Transfer and Reentry Fitness Class: Cycle

Event Date

ARC Studio A
Join us for a fitness class specifically for transfer and reentry students!  No need to register - just meet us there.  Note that you need to have an active ARC membership through your student fees or self-purchased to participate. 
Monday, 2/10 from 10-10:45am in Studio A
Studio A is located on the second floor of the ARC. Upon checking in at the front desk, head up the stairs; the studio is located to the right. An elevator is also located further in the facility next to the locker rooms.
All participants must sign a DocuSign waiver prior to attending the class. They should show proof of completion to the instructor upon entering the studio. This can be a screenshot, an email confirmation, etc.
Additional Upcoming Classes:
2/17: Total Body Strengthening in Studio B