Fall Welcome Events
Transfer and Reentry Center Fall Open House

Date: October 12, 2023
Time: 3-5pm
Location: Transfer and Reentry Center, 1210 Dutton Hall
Registration is not required.

Reentry Orientation
Reentry Orientation occurs prior to the beginning of fall quarter and is specifically tailored to the questions, concerns and experiences of reentry students. This specialized orientation presents a realistic overview of the reentry experience at UC Davis, providing the vital information and resources students need as they begin their academic career.
Date: Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Time: 8:30am - 1:30pm
Location: Zoom
First Year Aggie Connections - Transition Courses
First Year Aggie Connections (FYAC) are a great way to meet new transfer and reentry students while learning how the university works. Through the FYAC program, the TRC offers two transition courses that introduce students to campus resources and provides the opportunity to connect with other students in a small cohort experience. For more information and to register, go to the FYAC connections website.
You Are Not Alone: A Supportive Community for Reentry Students
Fall 2023: Thursdays, 4:10-5pm at the TRC
It may feel like you’re the only older student in your classes, but you are not alone – there are over 1,500 students ages 25+ at UC Davis. This seminar is designed to apply your strengths and wealth of past experience to success at the university, and to form connections with other students.
Student Parents Unite!
Fall 2023: Thursdays 1:10-2pm at the TRC
When student parents succeed, they uplift the next generation! This Connection provides an opportunity for student parents to get to know each other and form a network of support. Join us as we explore the resources that are available to you on and off campus. This Connection will help you (and your family!) thrive at UC Davis.