TRC Weekly Brief

The TRC is affiliated with three main e-newsletters designed to keep transfer and reentry students updated on programs, campus events, and resources.

TRC Weekly Brief example

Weekly Brief

The Weekly Brief, which is sent each week to all transfer students, is the TRC’s main newsletter. In addition to TRC event highlights, each edition features a listing of upcoming campus programs. Check out the archives below. Not receiving the Weekly Brief and want to join? Subscribe by sending the below email.

  • To:
  • Subject:  subscribe transfer-reentry-center your name
  • Body:  [LEAVE BLANK]

Other Newsletters

Reentry Newsletter

The Reentry Newsletter is sent monthly, or more often if important announcements need to be shared, to reentry students.  Check out the archives on the Reentry-Specific Programs page.  

Student Parent Newsletter

As part of the Student Parent Working Group, the TRC and the WRRC collaborate on a bi-weekly newsletter sent to student parents. Visit the Student Parent website to subscribe and check out past editions.