Kayla Gamit

Picture of Kayla Gamit

Position Title
Peer Advisor 2023-2024

Hello all! My name is Kayla Gamit and I am a third-year transfer student from Chabot College in the Bay. I am a biological sciences major and am pre-health with plans to become a PA.
Campus involvement: At my previous college, I was involved with the MESA program which is geared towards STEM students. There I tutored for multiple biology and chemistry classes as well as did tours of the campus. I also had a job as a Peer Guide where I worked with students of various backgrounds in order to help guide them to the resources our campus offered. I loved both jobs and found that I learned so much. Here at Davis I hope to accomplish the same thing and want to get involved with a few clubs for pre-health and am excited that I am now a part of the TRC!
Hobbies: Whenever I have free time I enjoy baking and cooking as a way to relieve stress. I also have a dog and enjoy taking her out around the city to explore and go on hikes. 
Advice: Some advice I have is to just get out there! Don't be afraid to say "hi", join clubs, and be yourself. Introduce yourself whether you're on the bus, on a walk, or in class because you never know who you'll meet and the relationships you'll make all because you initiated a conversation. Explore the campus and use ALL the resources they offer because they'll benefit you in so many ways. And lastly, enjoy your time as a student and have fun!